
Press relations help to promote projects thanks to the media. There are two goals to deploy the brand image and to increase public attendance by disseminating information in the media.
Promoting an artist, an event, a concept or an organization to journalists means arousing their curiosity or emotions, convincing them of the interest and attractiveness of a project.
A good media relations strategy aims to make one want to listen, see, test, understand, feel, marvel… so that the excitement about the project can resound in the heart of readers, listeners, viewers, professionals or the general public at a local or international level.
In order to achieve this, Ophélie collaborates on a daily basis with a network of qualified journalists. Each project is unique; so is every journalist. Knowing the sensitivities and specificities of each allows her to send the right message to the right media and people in order to encourage discovery and to create a desire to discuss the project.
Because press relations evolve and are part of a global communication strategy, she offers a broader expertise and provides communication advice as needed.
- Creation of a custom database
- Local, regional, national and international press
- All types of media outlets : TV, radio, print, web
- Development of a press agenda
- Suggestion of custom topics
- Media training
- Creation of press releases and kits
- Organization of press events
- Establishment of media partnerships and contests
- Reminders and continuous monitoring of press coverage
- Press review and results
- Development or redesign of communication strategy
- Identification of targets, messages, timing, challenges
- Team building and managing
- Monitoring of the entire project